CRH - Where we started
The Difference
The difference between CRH and other halfway houses is the belief that true recovery, and the joy that accompanies it, can only be realized through Jesus Christ. Residents will spend time in Bible study, prayer and worship on a daily basis, and will attend Christ-centered 12-step meetings and services as a part of their weekly affairs. We believe sobriety will always be lacking when practiced outside a fruitful and abounding relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to be a Christian to come here, but you will be asked to live as though you are one... and you can be sure we will be praying you will leave clean, sober and thriving with Jesus Christ at the center of your life!
In December 2006, several men came together to form a Christ-centered halfway house. After being deeply involved in recovery in several cities the Lord convicted these men that there was a need for Him in the recovery housing community that was not being met. They re-wrote all the rules and developed a program that was centered around the belief that the only way to true recovery and freedom was Christ Jesus at the center of one's life.
CRH wasn't formed in a boardroom. For 6 months these founding men lived Christian Recovery, dwelling in a house together and following the standards, paying the fines and writing and adjusting the rules and requirements as they stand today while the Lord revealed what worked and what did not. A not-for-profit corporation was formed, and 501(c)(3) status was filed for and granted by the IRS.
Over the last 17 years, CRH has been operating recovery homes for men and women in Wilmington, NC. We have been blessed to watch the Lord revolutionize people’s lives and plant the seeds that we pray will grow into more believers reaching out to those in need, and drawing them back to the Father! We opened our first ladies' house 10 years ago after turning away many women looking for true Christian recovery, and repeatedly hearing of the need in the community.
We were blessed to have 2 women's houses and 3 men's houses. In the future we hope to find men and women who share this vision and want to found CRH houses in cities across the country. We feel the Lord has called us for this express purpose, and are blessed to be a part of what our Father is accomplishing in His kingdom!